The Gift of Receiving
Nov 14, 2021
The Gift of Receiving
I love my clients.
They come and sit across from me, and share about their challenges. That makes me the counseling professional. And I mean, sure, I’m trained.
But guess who always gets a valuable lesson?
Let me tell you about one of these clients
The New Job
I worked with a woman who was interested in making progress as a worker. She wanted to get back in the game professionally.
Guess what? We did our work. And BAM. The Universe provided her that job.
We’re talking about a good paying job! This was a real opportunity to prosper financially.
But one other thing.
It was rigorous. It was a long list of tasks.
She took that hard.
And she rejected the job.
Sometimes there’s a momentary bad, a tough moment, and it derails us.
My client with the new job? She turned away from tremendous financial opportunity, all because of some hard feelings.
I’m here to tell you: that doesn’t have to happen.
We have to get good at the skill of interrupting.
I started this post talking about my clients for a reason.
My clients and I do some heavy lifting.
We plunge into the past to learn how it’s affecting the present. We clean that up.
But it’s not easy. It’s tough going back and looking at the past, especially when you really want to change.
But I’m willing! My willingness comes from choice.
My choice is to receive goodness NO MATTER WHAT.
No matter what comes up from my own past.
No matter whether it’s momentary bad news.
No matter whether I want to shut down.
I stick with awareness no matter what.
Awareness is the path through everything in life.
What Happened With the Job
This client had a unique background. She spent a lot of time alone as a girl.
Mom and dad left her along sometimes, they just had responsibilities elsewhere.
She took from that, “I’m alone. No matter what, nobody’s going to protect me.”
She wanted to never feel that way again. Overwhelmed. Overexposed. Overburdened.
The threat of that from this job shut her right down.
Stay Aware
Those moments happen, but they come at great cost.
The Universe is conspiring with us, just totally in love with helping to deliver our real desires.
But we have to be ready to RECEIVE.
Have you had trouble receiving lately?
How is your awareness of the Universe’s goodness?
Take a moment right now, an awareness check.
Write down your most fervent desire right now. Maybe it’s a new relationship, a promotion at work, a baby. Write about it in detail.
Now look up.
Is there anything you believe stands in the way?
Guess what! That’s just a belief. And you can interrupt it, so that the Universe can get back to working with you, delivering for you.
And if you want help with that, I’m here.
Listen, if nobody’s told you they love you today...I do!
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